
Trustee Meeting Minutes 12th June 2023



Summary of Trustee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 12th June, 19.00

The pavilion


Simon Thackray, Mick Binder, Charlotte Binder, Lyn Burnett, Mike Davis, Ben Sharratt, Tessa Summers

1. Apologies for absence and welcome to Kate


Scott Fishwick


Kate joined this meeting as the Committee hopes to have active participation from other groups within the Club.

2. Declaration of conflicts of interest

Mick and Simon (HCSL)

3. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting (27/04/23 - extraordinary)

Approved with no changes.

4. Action points from the minutes not otherwise covered within the agenda

Several action points were revisited, and progress (or otherwise) discussed.

5. Report from the Chair

Simon stated that the HCSL leases have been secured and all Clubs will have a signing ceremony in the Pavilion for these leases. ACTION

6. Reflections on the Open Day

It was agreed by all that this was a big success and, consequently, we have welcomed 14 new members. Lyn then went through the membership as it currently stands and, at the time of writing, this is up to 57 with the 14 new members joining through the Open Day. This is very good news for the Club and the Open Day compensated for those members who have not renewed.

 7. Finance – Treasurer’s Report

Mike confirmed membership payments and indicated the amount received so far in voluntary contributions for the court resurfacing fund. Simon spoke on our expectations and applications for funding that can be made through the local authorities but again emphasized the matched funding necessary. The meeting returned to the subject of fund-raising and how to kickstart this. Our first event for all members will be the ‘Wimbledon Warm-Up Doubles Competition’ on Sunday, 2nd July and Ben will advertise this as fundraising for the new court surface fund. A reminder will be put out with the emphasis on welcoming all abilities and that pairings will be totally random. ACTION

8. Safeguarding, risk management, etc.

Nothing further here as Scott was unable to attend the meeting.

9. Our Club Coach – report from Ross

Ross was unable to attend. There was a general discussion about coaching levels.

10. HCSL – report from Mick

Mick was unable to attend the latest meeting but indicated that Stuart Wilson had been appointed as a Trustee. This is very good news as he used to work for Sport England.

11. The Tennis League Team – report from Tessa

Tessa spoke about our performance so far and commented on the on-going difficulties with finding female players to compete. Greater flexibility in the way in which matches are organized may give more opportunities e.g. subbing in players rather than expecting four sets to be played etc. and with additional players we could then consider other things such as whether we have a competitive fixed team or rotate players etc.

12. & 13. The courts, floodlights & facilities, and Future capital projects & fundraising


14. Club Social

It was generally agreed that it would be good to have an inclusive event which is not weather dependent e.g. a Quiz Night or Race Night etc. and details and possibilities were shared.

15. Website, WhatsApp, ClubSpark & social media


16. New members (updated membership list from Lyn) 

Shared and spoken about as part of the Open Day discussion (agenda item 6).

17. AOB



Thank you for reading

A summary of the


Trustee Meeting Minutes