
Trustee Meeting Minutes 12th July 2023



Summary of Trustee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 12th July, 18.30

The Pavilion


Simon Thackray, Charlotte Binder, Lyn Burnett, Mike Davis, Tessa Summers, Scott Fishwick, Kate Batten-Phelps

1. Apologies for absence

Mick Binder, Ben Sharratt (Ross not in attendance)

2. Declaration of conflicts of interest

 Simon (HCSL)

3. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting (12/06/23)

Approved with no changes.

4. Action points from the minutes not otherwise covered within the agenda


ACTION POINTS follow up:

  1. Balls Currently, Ben has all the tubes of new balls, but it was agreed that Simon and Lyn should each keep 6 tubes and Ben the rest. ACTION
  2. Lease signing Simon spoke about the signing of the leases which was supposed to take place on the 28th of June. This has been postponed because of the tragic loss of Will Kerslake. Our thoughts are with all those close to Will.


5. Report from the Chair

1. Wimbledon Warm-Up Tournament Simon suggested that although this was a successful and enjoyable afternoon of tennis, the event had not fulfilled its main purpose which was to engage the wider membership. All 12 participants had come from the Experienced/League Players group. This was agreed. Various points were offered, and questions asked, and the possibility of a second tournament was discussed. A provisional date was set for the 10th of September 2023.

2. Tennis Xpress and Club Nights All agreed that Tennis Xpress is working very well and will continue in its present form (members do not pay and the Club pays Ross) but Club Night will be reviewed at the end of August with the likelihood that Ross will no longer be paid to attend. All committee members want Club Night to be a success and hope that it can continue to attract a healthy number of players. Lyn went through attendance, which has always been boosted by at least one member of the committee.

3. Intermediates The committee members hope that some of our new members will attend this session, which Sue Foster continues to work hard at and organises very well. Lyn indicated that the courts have been booked through to December for this group.

4. Experienced/League Players As these groups are popular, it was wondered whether another session should be available. Lyn agreed to trial a slightly revised second session starting on Tuesday, 18th July. ACTION

6. Finance – Treasurer’s Report

Mike explained the ongoing issues with online banking but anticipates that it will be sorted very soon.

7. Safeguarding, risk management, etc.

Scott has yet to meet with Pam.

8. Our Club Coach – report from Ross

Ross was unable to attend. There was a general discussion about individual coaching, and it was felt that Ross should push for more affordable private coaching such as shared lessons. Charlotte and others feel that he should offer more opportunities to engage further players in coaching.


Nothing further. Next meeting is on 26th July 2023.

10. The Tennis League Team – report from Tessa

Tessa went through the matches played and results. One more match is to be played on Monday, 17th July. Generally, the teams have performed well, and we should be pleased with our achievements as a Club.

11. The courts, floodlights & facilities


12. Future capital projects & fundraising


13. Club Social

Nothing currently.

14. Website, WhatsApp, ClubSpark & social media

On-going. The Home Page is current and important information is clear and accessible.

15. New members (updated membership list from Lyn) 

Lyn indicated that our current membership stands at 64. Clubspark has slightly different numbers and the reasons for this were explained.

16. AOB

1. A second tournament (Wimbledon Warm-Up style) Tessa revisited this idea and proposed an Invitational Tennis Tournament for new members. This was considered an excellent idea and Simon will consider this further and move forward after discussion with Ross. ACTION

2. Brambles Kate spoke about the difficulty in retrieving balls behind the fence at the opposite side from the hut, because of all the brambles. As Simon pointed out, this is HCSL land and not the tennis club’s responsibility. (Since this meeting Simon has taken it upon himself to clear this area, including overhanging branches etc.)

Meeting closed at 20.10. Next meeting tbc.


Thank you for reading

A summary of the


Trustee Meeting Minutes