
Minutes 270324



Wednesday 27th March 2024, 17.30

Maureen’s Community Space at the Co-op


This meeting was arranged ahead of the AGM to confirm the running order and discuss activities and events e.g. Open Morning. The format does not follow the usual agenda for trustee meetings, therefore.



Simon Thackray, Charlotte Binder, Lyn Burnett


1. Apologies for absence

Tessa Summers (attending Lowestoft & District League AGM), Mike Davis, Ben Sharratt, Mick Binder


2. Membership

The membership packages for the 2024 – 2025 season were confirmed, and Lyn agreed to talk about these in relation to renewal. If members choose to renew their membership, this should be done with an online card payment through Clubspark as usual. Lyn will send out a reminder email on the 1st of April.


3. Website

Lyn will remind members about our website and what can be viewed on the navigation bar. There will also be a reminder that minutes of Trustees meetings and the AGM can only be viewed by members, so they need to login and input their Username and Password. Lyn will explain this.

Please note that the minutes can now be viewed without a login. Lyn set this up after the AGM to make viewing easier for members.


4. Open Morning

Simon shared the Open Day “to do” list from last year and there was a provisional allocation of roles. Lyn has already had the posters/flyers printed from Roger’s design and committee members need to distribute these wherever possible. A larger, laminated version will be at the courts. Lyn will contact Micropress to put the advert in the Community News. Banners that survived last year can be reused where possible with the necessary changes. Lyn, Charlotte and Mick will take the lead with the physical advertising, but other members of the committee will be asked to help as well as AGM attendees. We also need to have a big push on social media and Simon will ask Mark to advertise through the Heads-Up platform. We will also encourage Ross to promote the event through social media and Lyn will ask Will Bird to assist with this. Lyn will also look at using Clubspark’s online calendar. (Not discussed at the time but as a post - meeting thought, Lyn will send an email to all members with the Open Morning poster as an attachment. Members will be asked to advertise the event if they can.)

On the morning itself, Simon will have information sheets prepared, listing the benefits of signing up that day e.g. Ross’s coaching discounts, discounted membership fees, Tennis Xpress discounts etc. The usual refreshments will be provided, and committee members are asked to contribute. Lyn will purchase bunting & balloons for the entrance. Simon has confirmed that the Heads-Up coaches will be there to organize the activities and supply all necessary equipment. Vouchers for coaching sessions with Ross will also be available.


5. Competitions

Simon intends to bring into his AGM end-of-year review the fluidity between the different groups of players and indicate that we hope to run competitions again such as the Round Robin doubles tournament and New Members tournament. It will be emphasized that there is movement between groups and that Ross is our arbiter.


The meeting ended at 19.00pm to leave time for the distribution of documents (agenda, hard copy of last year’s minutes, accounts and Open Morning flyers) ahead of the 19.30pm AGM start time.




In addition:

I have copied below a part of Simon’s recent post AGM email to the Committee -


The most pressing thing is of course the Open Morning on 28 April.  Lyn did mention last night that there might be a need for a brief committee meeting before the Open Morning; as Lyn & Charlotte have taken on the bulk of the work thus far with regard to the Open Morning, I’m sure we’re all happy to do whatever they require to support, so if a meeting is necessary, fine with me but I couldn’t attend one before week commencing 15 April (unless it’s early next week?)  Can I leave it to Lyn & Charlotte to decide if, when & where a meeting is to take place? 


My thinking is that if we did try and meet at the start of the week beginning 15th April, we could tie up any loose ends etc. still having 2 weeks to go.
